Owner & Manager - Karissa Zappelli.

Karissa loves to help people with their ‘Dread Journey’, to create their own style of dreadlocks. Everyone is different and they all bring a story, plus a version of what they would like their dreads to look like. It is very challenging sometimes.
We thrive on offering the best customer service to give the client what they want at very affordable rates. Dreads are unique and quite different. It is mostly a coastal thing so having us here locally is a great asset to the community! Zappas Dreads is 7 years old now, so a larger premise is on the agenda for the family-run business with room for growth.
Karissa loves the fun of being in business, she believes that keeping things local is paramount and loves connecting with just about anyone.
Find and Follow Zappas Dreads

14 Forrest Street Kalgoorlie
Phone: 0422976619
Email: karissa.zappelli@bigpond.com
Website: www.zappasdreads.com.au
Facebook: www.facebook.com/zappasdreads
Instagram: www.instagram.com/zappasdreads
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