Personal Trainer - Paige Harring

Paige was living in the UK and had to come home because of COVID, so she figured it was as good a time as any to start her PT business. “In these unprecedented times, why not make a crazy move right?!”
Paige believes that personal training should be just that - PERSONAL! One size does not fit all when it comes to health and fitness, which is why she takes such a comprehensive approach with her clients. No two bodies are the same, so they should not be treated as such.
She loves the range of clients, some in their 70's who need more of a physio approach and others in their early 20's who just want someone to push them to reveal their limits.
Paige feels PT seems to have lost so much of the 'personal' aspect today, so when her clients train, they can be assured she will look at the whole individual. She wants to know about their lives and wants to make a considerable effort to make it better.
Paige sees herself always helping people and expanding her skills.
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